Sheffield & District Junior Sunday Football League
Referee Application Form
Personnel Detail
To which gender identity do you most identify?
Other Gender:
REQUIREDDate of Birth:
REQUIREDFirst line of your Address:
A valid postcode is required when appointing games nearest to you
Contact Detail
Home Telephone:
REQUIREDMobile Number:
REQUIREDShow Mobile:
REQUIREDE-Mail Address:
FA Registration Details
As well as an up to date CRC you must also be registered to officiate. Details will be checked with your registered County FA and any un-registered officials will be reported. It is essential that ALL match officials over the age of 16 have an up to date CRC, (Criminal Records Check). You must do this with County FA. Further details can be found here. The league will verify that this check is in place and if this has not been completed then you will be unable to referee for the league.
Registered County FA:
FA Number (FAN):
Referee Level:
Officiate Under 18s games?:
Privacy Policy
Please read this policy carefully to see how we will treat the information that you provide to us. We, Sheffield & District Junior Sunday Football League (SDJSL) will take reasonable care to keep your personal information secure and prevent any unauthorised access or unlawful use of it. We process all personal information in accordance with applicable UK data protection legislation. We will use your personal information to register you as a referee in the SDJSL and will hold your personal information on SDJSL database and on FA Fulltime. If any of your information changes you must contact SDJSL so that an accurate record can be kept.

I hereby agree to the transfer of misconduct information and any reasonable personal details between the League and the relevant County Football Association.
Confirm the above:
Solve the Captcha question:
What is 1 times 6 ?
Submit Application

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